Long Term Disability Law BlogAttorneys Helping Disabled Claimants Nationwide

Prudential Long Term Disability Appeal Questions & Tips

Prudential denies a lot of disability insurance claims every year. Our disability insurance lawyers have reviewed thousands of Prudential disability benefit denials.

Greg Dell and Alex Palamara answer questions and provide tips about Prudential disability appeals. We always offer a free phone consultation to review your denial letter and discuss how we can help to win your Prudential disability appeal.

  • What are my chances of winning a Prudential disability appeal?
  • How long does it take from start to finish for a Prudential disability appeal?
  • How many days does Prudential have to make a disability appeal decision?
  • What does Prudential do once they receive your disability appeal?
  • Who is the person at Prudential that ultimately makes the decision on my disability appeal?
  • Will Prudential pay my attorney fees if I win my disability appeal?
  • Can I file a Prudential disability lawsuit without filing a disability appeal?
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