A Wisconsin disability attorney recently filed a lawsuit at the District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin against Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc and the Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, (ERISA) for arbitrarily and capriciously denying a plaintiff’s claim for long term disability benefits.
Autozone Inc’s Store Manager Sues The Prudential Insurance Company Of America For Failure To Pay Disability Benefits Under An Employee Welfare Benefit Plan
The case of Jeffrey K. Laritz Vs The Prudential Insurance Company Of America filed by a Michigan disability attorney at the district court for the eastern district of Michigan deals with the pre-existing condition clause found in all disability insurance policies. The plaintiff Jeffrey K. Laritz was a participant in a welfare benefit plan that […]
Diebold Incorporated Employee and Her Massachusetts Disability Attorney Sue Prudential Insurance For Denial Of Disability Benefits
A disability insurance lawsuit was recently filed at the District Court for the District Of Massachusetts by a Massachusetts disability attorney for a former employee of the Diebold Incorporated against the Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential) concerning a claim for disability benefits under the Diebold Incorporated Long Term Disability Plan.
Court Stops Ford Motor Company from “Cherry-Picking” Medical Records in Denying Claimant Disability Benefits
In Stephen J. Kotyk v. Ford Motor Company, Plaintiff Stephen Kotyk and his Michigan Disability Attorney sought reinstatement of his disability benefits after Defendant Ford Motor Company wrongfully terminated his benefits contending he was no longer disabled under Defendant’s Salaried Disability Plan.
Former Technology Manager For Morrison & Foerster, LLP Suffering From HIV Filed Lawsuit Against The Prudential Insurance Company Of America For Wrongful Denial Of Disability Benefits
In the case of Chris Lenwell Vs the Prudential Insurance Company Of America; Morrison & Foerster, LLP Long Term Disability Plan, filed at the District Court for the Northern District of California by a California disability attorney, the plaintiff brought a civil action against the Prudential Insurance Company Of America (Prudential) for allegedly violating the […]
American Airlines Pilot Wins Court Ordered Reinstatement of Disability Benefits After Receiving Benefits for 8 years
Mr. Miller received benefits for 8 years, before American Airlines wrongfully determined that he was no longer disabled. After a 5 year legal battle, Mr. Miller finally prevailed. In Miller vs. American Airlines, Inc.; American Airlines, Inc., Pilot Retirement Benefit Program Fixed Income Plan (A Plan); American Airlines, Inc., Pension Benefits Administration Committee, the plaintiff, […]
California Judge Rules BP Senior Managing Attorney With Multiple Sclerosis Was Wrongfully Denied Disability Benefits By Life Insurance Company Of North America (Cigna)
Multiple Sclerosis is a disabling condition that can unfortunately has symptoms that become chronic and worsen overtime. LINA appears to have not understood how MS in a disabling condition for an attorney that worked for BP. In Margaret Kreeger vs Life Insurance Company of North America; BP Welfare Plan Trust-III’s Insurance Plan, the plaintiff’s California […]
Crestwood Behavioral Health Inc’s Program Director Sues Prudential Insurance Company Of America For Unreasonably, Arbitrarily And Capriciously Denying Claim For Disability Benefits
In the recent case of Victoria Haner Vs The Prudential Insurance Company Of America And Crestwood Behavioral Health Employee Benefit Plan, filed by a California disability attorney at the District Court for the Southern District of California, the plaintiff Victoria Haner is seeking a declaration from the Court that she meets the definition of disability […]
Disabled Attorney for Wilenz. Goldman & Spitzer, P.C. sues Provident Life And Unum Group For Unreasonably Denying Claim For Disability Benefits
A New Jersey disability attorney, on behalf of a disability claimant, recently filed a lawsuit at the District Court for the District Of New Jersey against the Provident Life and Accident Insurance Company (Provident) and Unum Group (Unum) under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) for allegedly adopting unreasonable claims procedure in denying the […]
North Carolina Judge Agrees with AETNA Life Insurance Company’s Denial of Disability Benefits
Tina Worsley, Executrix of the Estate of Mark Worsley had her case against AETNA Life Insurance Company and Duke Energy Long-Term Disability Insurance Plan decided by the United States District Court, Western District of North Carolina, Charlotte Division on January 25, 2011. Claiming that the termination of Mark Worsley’s disability benefits was an abuse of […]