In this video, disability insurance lawyers Victor Pena and Gregory Dell discuss a recent Cigna denial and the courts rational for reinstating long term disability benefits. The courts found that Cigna abused their discretion and wrongfully denied benefits to a former Geico employee diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. Cigna is known for denying long term claims; […]
Cognitive Dysfunction and Long Term Disability Claims
In this video Attorneys Gregory Dell and Stephen Jessup discuss Cognitive Dysfunction Disorders in Long Term Disability Claims. The symptoms of cognitive impairment range from memory loss and slowed thinking skills to confusion and poor concentration. There are many factors that would cause or contribute to a disability insurance claimant to have issues with their […]
How Much Weight Does a Disability Insurance Company Need to Give to Social Security Determinations?
It is a misconception that a disability insurance company must give weight to a favorable social security decision. The fact is, a disability insurance company does not have to be deferential to social security’s determination. However, it is in your best interest to ensure that the supportive evidence in the social security file submitted is […]
What Should You Expect When a Disability Insurance Claimant files an ERISA Lawsuit with Prudential?
In this video Attorneys Gregory Dell & Rachel Alters discuss the process of filing an ERISA lawsuit with Prudential. For an ERISA lawsuit to be filed there is first a timeline of claim deadlines, and if you don’t file within that deadline, the Court can dismiss your case on the basis that the Statute of […]
Court Criticizes United of Omaha for Favoring In House Medical Review
In this video Attorneys Gregory Dell & Victor Peña discuss a recent court decision in which the Illinois District court placed no significance on treating physician’s silence to biased opinion letter. The courts also criticized United of Omaha for failing to obtain independent examinations.
How Important Is The Support Of My Doctor In Obtaining Disability Insurance Benefits?
Disability insurance attorneys Cesar Gavidia and Gregory Dell stress the importance of strong medical support from a treating doctor. Lack of support from a treating doctor will result in the denial of long term disability benefits. The support of every doctor is essential throughout the duration of the disability claim and not just when submitting […]
Court Rejects Expanded Mental Illness Limitation to Coverage
In Jarillo v. Reliance Standard Life Ins. Co., Judge Michael M. Anello of the United States District Court of the Southern District of California held that plaintiff Marife Jarillo met her burden of proof and was entitled to benefits under the ERISA. For about eight years, Jarillo worked in the marketing department of the Sycuan […]
Is Pain Enough to get Disability Insurance Benefits?
A medical diagnosis and medical records are needed to inform the insurance company of your medical condition. Just as important is documentation from your doctor to communicate the extent of your condition. In this video, attorney Gregory Dell & Stephen Jessup discuss how important it is to have a complete medical review and documentation to […]
Is Hiring a Long Term Disability Attorney Going to Raise a Red Flag?
An experienced disability insurance attorney will work effectively with an insurance company to get them the documentation they are entitled to. Just because an insurance company has requested a document doesn’t mean they are entitled to that document.
Florida Court Upholds Aetna’s Denial of Long Term Disability Benefits to Fed-ex Employee
Florida court finds Aetna’s denial of long term disability benefits was supported by the medical record which showed plaintiff could work in a sedentary job.