Hiring an attorney to prepare your claim for long-term disability benefits can make the difference in approval or denial of benefits.
How Long Does Long Term Disability Insurance Take to Process & Get Paid?
The length of time to process a disability benefits claim depends on the elimination period and providing complete evidence to the insurance company.
How Do Hartford Long Term Disability Insurance Policies Work?
Disability insurance attorneys at Dell & Schaefer law firm reveal how Hartford long term disability coverage works and how to avoid a disability claim denial.
Do I Have to Quit My Job Before Applying for Disability insurance Benefits?
Do not quit your job before applying for disability. You will not have coverage and will not be eligible for disability benefits.
Top 5 Reasons Prudential Denies Claims for Disability Benefits
Prudential will deny claims for many reasons, including a pre-existing medical condition, inadequate medical records and an incomplete job description.
How Does Hartford Long Term Disability Work?
Hartford long term disability works by paying a percentage of pre-disability income after supporting your inability to work with medical evidence.
How to Get Approved for Met Life Disability Insurance Benefits
To get approval for MetLife disability insurance benefits, provide the company extensive medical support and details of the requirements of your occupation.
Overview of Lincoln Financial Disability Claim Handling
Disability attorneys Greg Dell and Rachel Alters give lawyer overviews of a Lincoln Financial disability benefit application, claim, denial, appeal and lawsuit.
Lincoln Financial Disability Policy Precautions
Lincoln Financial Disability system overview, the most common reasons for denying a claim, and appeal process information from experienced attorneys.
Video Help for Appealing Prudential Denied Disability Claims
Disability insurance lawyers from Dell & Schaefer provide video help and advice for a Prudential disability appeal after being denied disability claim benefits.