Long Term Disability Law BlogAttorneys Helping Disabled Claimants Nationwide

Articles Posted in Unum Disability Claim

Disability Insurance Attorneys Dell & Schaefer has handled thousands of Appeals against UNUM. Learn what the most important thing a UNUM policy holder needs to know before filing an appeal. GREGORY DELL: Hi, I’m attorney Greg Dell here with attorney Stephen Jessup. And we want to talk about Unum appeals, some of the dos and […]

New Hampshire Court holds that Unum properly terminated LTD benefits based on self-reported pain limitation clause in policy even though Plaintiff provided objective proof of disability through a positive trigger point test.

Unum Claimant receives over $103,000 in SSDI payments and Unum files lawsuit seeking repayment of disability benefits. Court Order Claimant to Pay Unum $103,963.30. A Michigan Federal court recently entered a court Order against a Unum disability claimant and former employee of Allegis Group Inc. The Unum claimant submitted a claim for long term disability […]

Recently, three separate lawsuits were filed in California and Alabama against Unum Life Insurance Company of America for the improper termination or denial of long term disability benefits. For each of these individuals, the lawsuits, which were filed with the help of their respective disability lawyers, was their final hope to a just outcome after […]

In Wesley M Vs. Unum Life Insurance Company of America and Bastion Technologies, Inc., the Plaintiff seeks the disability benefits that were wrongfully denied to him by the Defendants. The lawsuit was filed with the assistance of the plaintiff’s Alabama Disability Attorney.

In Shellie H Vs. Unum Life Insurance Company of America, the Plaintiff, with the assistance of her Colorado Disability Attorney, files this lawsuit after the abrupt termination of long term disability benefits. The Plaintiff seeks reinstatement of long term disability benefit payments as defined by the terms of the Plan.

The Plaintiff, suffering from cervical disc herniation and other ailments, has filed this lawsuit against Unum Life Insurance Company of America (Unum) for its abrupt termination of the Plaintiff’s long term disability benefits. Plaintiff was entitled to these benefits based on his employment as an automobile salesperson with John Bleakley Ford, Inc. This lawsuit was […]

Unum Life Insurance Company Of America (Unum) was sued in two different lawsuits by two plaintiffs who did not receive the long-term benefits that were entitled to them under the terms of their respective Plans that were issued and administered by Unum.

Four plaintiffs have sued Unum Life Insurance Company Of America (Unum) in the District Courts of California, Michigan, and Massachusetts for the recovery of long-term disability benefits covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). In all four cases that were filed via the respective disability lawyers, Unum is accused of refusing to pay […]

Unum Group and Unum Life Insurance Company Of America (Unum) were recently sued by an Oklahoma disability attorney for his client’s reinstatement of long term disability benefits. The Plaintiff, Donald J., worked as a recycle fiber operator for Weyerhaeuser Corporation (Weyerhaeuser), which contracted with Unum to provide a long-term disability insurance plan to its employees. […]

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