The lawsuit of Jill Krongrad v CVS Pharmacy, Inc. & UNUM Life Insurance Company of America, was recently filed at the Circuit Court for Baltimore County by the plaintiff’s Maryland disability attorney. The plaintiff, a former employee of CVS Pharmacy, Inc. was also suffering from severe lower back problem and…
Long Term Disability Law Blog
Sun Life Insurance Sued by West Virginia Man for Denying Long-Term Disability Claim
The declining state of Charles Smoot’s health came to the point at which it became necessary for him to file a Sun Life disability insurance claim through his employer provided disability plan. Mr. Smoot’s claim was denied and his West Virginia disability lawyer filed an ERISA lawsuit against Sun Life…
Aetna Life Insurance sued by Texas Disability Lawyer for denying disability benefits after paying for two months
In Ricky Moten v AETNA Life Insurance Company, a case filed recently at the District court for the Southern District of Texas, the plaintiff Ricky Moten through his Texas disability lawyer alleged that the AETNA Life Insurance Company (AETNA Life) being both the funder and administrator of the plaintiff’s disability…
UNUM Life Insurance Company Sued by former Time Warner Cable Employee for failure to pay Short Term and Long Term disability Benefits
Unum denies disability insurance benefits and refuses to consider findings of total disability by the Social Security administration and a workers compensation doctor. Let’s take a closer look at these recent lawsuit filed by a California disability lawyer. The UNUM Disability Claim Denial In the case of Jose Ramirez v…
AETNA Life Insurance Company sued in Florida, South Carolina and Ohio for Disability Benefit Claim Denials
The disability insurance company AETNA is certainly no stranger to lawsuits. Like many other disability insurance companies, The AETNA Life Insurance Company (AETNA Life) has been the subject of numerous consumer complaints and legal lawsuits filed against it for failure to pay disability benefits to eligible participants of the disability…
UNUM Life Insurance Company faces another Disability Lawsuit from disabled Customer Service Representative
Another lawsuit has been filed recently against the nation’s largest provider of disability insurance, the UNUM Life Insurance Company (UNUM) by disabled claimant of disability benefits under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). In the case of Gwendolyn Soter v Reed Elsevier, Inc. Plan and UNUM life Insurance…
Standard Insurance Company sued by South Carolina Disability Lawyer
A South Carolina disability lawyer recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of Rick Robinson against Standard Insurance Company for denial of long-term disability benefits. The South Carolina disability attorney made the following allegations: The Plaintiff, complaining of the Defendant herein, would show unto this Honorable Court as follows: I. Plaintiff…
Unum Life Insurance Company Sued By Florida Disability Attorney For Denying Disability Benefits To Woman With Syncope
For approximately 8 months, Teresa Perez was unable to perform the material duties of her occupation at Billing, Cochran, Heath, Lyles, & Mauro, P.A. due to a condition called Neurocardiogenic Syncope. As a result, Ms. Perez submitted a claim for long-term disability benefit payments to Unum Life Insurance Company of…
Cigna Denies Disability Insurance Claim After Paying for 20 Years
Cigna Insurance company, also known as Life Insurance Company of North America recently denied a 60 year old woman that was on claim for 20 years. This woman was denied after Cigna sent her for examination by a psychologist and a neuropsychologist. The woman was approved for Social Security disability…
Registered Nurse filed Lawsuit against Prudential Insurance Company of America for long term disability benefits despite being deemed disabled by the Social Security Administration
After exhausting all her ERISA disability administrative remedies, Mary L. Elchinger, a registered nurse, filed a lawsuit through her Ohio disability attorney at the Common Pleas Court of Franklin County Ohio against Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential) to seek relief from the court for Prudential denying her claim for…