
Long Term Disability Law Blog


Can I Use a Lawyer to Appeal a Unum Disability Insurance Denial?

As the world’s largest disability insurance company, Unum doles out its fair share of disability claim denials each and every year. That’s why a disability insurance law firm such as Dell & Schaefer has handled more than 1,000 Unum denied claim appeals. Though some policyholders attempt to fight a denied…


Tips for Lincoln Financial Disability Claim Appeals

Most holders of long-term disability (LTD) polices through Lincoln Financial assume they will be able to claim the earned benefits when they actually become disabled. That’s why it comes as a shock to many when they receive an unexpected denied disability claim. What happens next depends almost entirely on how…


Can a Court Reverse Aetna Disability Benefit Denials for Employees?

Denials of AETNA disability benefits are certainly not unusual, as many thousands of policyholders can confirm. However, if the denied disability claim eventually makes its way past an ERISA denial, an ERISA appeal, and into a court of law, the game can sometimes change in favor of the claimant. Disability…


Failing to Review SSDI Approval, Lincoln Reverses Denial of Disability Benefits

Judge rules favorably for the claimant after Lincoln National Life Insurance Company denied the claim at that change in definition of disability. GREGORY DELL: Hi I’m Greg Dell with Attorneys Dell & Schaefer, and today Alexander Palamara and I are going to discuss a recent case that came out of…


Engineer With Cognitive Impairments Wins Long Term Disability Lawsuit Against Prudential

Prudential denies disability insurance benefits to an engineer with impairment to his thought processes and executive functioning which decreased his ability to function in his high level occupation as a development engineer. GREGORY DELL: Hi, I’m Greg Dell here with attorney Cesar Gavidia. And Cesar, this is a case we’re…


What Do I Do After Cigna Denies My Disability Claim?

After Cigna and other disability insurance companies deny your claim, you should contact a disability lawyer to submit an appeal that covers all issues with your claim. Attorneys Gregory Dell and Cesar Gavidia have noticed a common theme in the long-term disability insurance denials from insurance companies, including Cigna, otherwise…


Engineer Wins Long Term Disability Insurance Lawsuit With Prudential

When fighting a denied disability claim from a major insurer such as Prudential, it can easily end up in a lawsuit. That’s exactly what happened in the case of a testing and development engineer for MIT Lincoln Laboratories who suffered cognitive impairments from a head injury in 2011. Fortunately, the…


How To Tips When Filing for a Reliance Standard ERISA Disability Appeal

There are many reasons to file a strong appeal to the Reliance Standard insurance company. Every disability insurance policy holder needs to know how to strengthen their claim in the event it is denied and a lawsuit must be filed. GREG DELL: Hi, I’m Greg Dell, here with attorney Alex…


Lincoln National Disability Denial Reversed Over SSDI Review Failure

When it comes to long term disability insurance, claims often end in denial by companies such as Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. This leaves disabled policyholders with few options for moving on with their lives. But a recent case out of Oklahoma Federal Court is a reminder that victory is…

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